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Carrara marble and Cinema BLOG

Carrara marble and Cinema

Sono numerosi i film girati a Carrara con protagoniste le cave e il marmo. Ne abbiamo selezionati tre tra i più celebri.
Why we use the terms “Calacatta” and “Bettogli” BLOG

Why we use the terms “Calacatta” and “Bettogli”

Il marmo di Carrara ha una storia millenaria che affonda le radici all’epoca romana quando era comunemente noto come marmo lunense.
5 of the most famous Carrara marble achitectural works in the world BLOG

5 of the most famous Carrara marble achitectural works in the world

Carrara marble has been used in architecture for centuries. It is rooted in the Roman age with the first architectural uses and the artistic ones. Over two thousand years of history have given humanity architectural masterpieces made of marble throughout the ages. From the religious to the civil context, passing through major works privately commissioned.
Why is Carrara marble so famous worldwide? BLOG

Why is Carrara marble so famous worldwide?

Carrara marble is famous all over the world for its unique features and it is associated with the most important architecture and art works.
The tiles: marble in Europe from the 16th century BLOG

The tiles: marble in Europe from the 16th century

Although Carrara marble was already known for its uses in architecture and art, during the sixteenth century it experienced a new season of distribution throughout Europe thanks to the tiles commonly called "marmette" or "quadrette".
Carrara marble on the Grand Tours BLOG

Carrara marble on the Grand Tours

Carrara marble is a cultural bridge that crosses boundaries and goes beyond oceans. From the earliest times of the Roman world to the age of globalization, marble has been synonymous of excellence, beauty and uniqueness.
Born in Carrara BLOG

Born in Carrara

What is the essence of Carrara marble? A millennia-long history, the genius of the artists, the excellence of the great architecture, the skill of the best craftsmen and the authenticity of being natural and sustainable.
The Marble Railway BLOG

The Marble Railway

Even though today it seems incredible, there was a time when the marble of Carrara was carried down from the mountain on a steep iron path used by locomotives and carriages of the Private Marble Railway of Carrara.