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Marble has been one of the most prized and admired materials in the world of architecture and sculpture for centuries. Marble slabs, with their intrinsic beauty and a variety of colors and veins, represent a distinctive and refined element in many artistic creations and design projects. Thanks to its strength and durability, marble has been used since antiquity to create floors, cladding, columns, and sculptures of extraordinary beauty and craftsmanship. Today, marble slabs continue to be an icon of elegance and luxury, adding a touch of prestige and sophistication to any environment in which they are used. Their preciousness and their ability to convey a sense of eternity make them a timeless element in contemporary art and architecture
The new artwork of Fabio Viale: a wheel with a marble rose for a Miami car dealership STORIES

The new artwork of Fabio Viale: a wheel with a marble rose for a Miami car dealership

The new artwork of Fabio Viale: a wheel with a marble rose for a Miami car dealership
5 of the most famous Carrara marble achitectural works in the world BLOG

5 of the most famous Carrara marble achitectural works in the world

Carrara marble has been used in architecture for centuries. It is rooted in the Roman age with the first architectural uses and the artistic ones. Over two thousand years of history have given humanity architectural masterpieces made of marble throughout the ages. From the religious to the civil context, passing through major works privately commissioned.
Carrara marble and Cinema BLOG

Carrara marble and Cinema

Sono numerosi i film girati a Carrara con protagoniste le cave e il marmo. Ne abbiamo selezionati tre tra i più celebri.
Stories: Carrara Marble for the Freedom Tower BLOG

Stories: Carrara Marble for the Freedom Tower

Esattamente dieci anni fa nel 2013 veniva inaugurata la Freedom Tower, la torre simbolo del New World Trade Center, il complesso ricostruito dopo i tragici attacchi terroristici dell’11 settembre 2001.


After first course in “Architecture for the Landscape,” FUM relaunches partnership with YACademy again for 2024
Lizzatura storica - Ponti di Vara BLOG

Lizzatura storica - Ponti di Vara

Before the use of trucks, "Lizzatura" was the only way to transport marble blocks down towards the valley, using a sled called "lizza"

A creative, responsible, modern vision

We act in accordance with the Industria 4.0 standards to achieve important digital transformation and innovation goals.

Sustainability is at the heart of our business model. Acting with respect and awareness is a top priority.

We are guardians of the history and beauty of Carrara marble. Our listing on the Italian Stock Exchange is a guarantee of this dedication.

Imagine the future of natural stone

“He foretold their monumental future to the shapeless heaps of stones and beams that lay around us; and those materials, at his voice, seemed dedicated to the one and only place to which the fates propitious to the goddess would have assigned them”

In Paul Valèry’s book “Eupalinos: Or, The Architect”, these words are spoken to Phaedrus at a buzzing building site, as he accompanies the famous builder of temples and great works of antiquity. The dialogue between the two is talk of stone, materials, destiny, and monuments. The message is clear: building requires a deep knowledge of nature and a subtle ability to 'steal' some secrets from it. future could look like for our marble. The architect of Megara explains to Phaedrus that Architecture is made up of three aspects: the body, which expresses its usefulness, the soul, which equates to beauty, and sturdiness, which translates to durability. It was therefore not difficult for Eupalinos to imagine the future of architecture and natural stone. And today? Has the perspective changed? Not for those who have always looked forward, nor for those who never stop. We must not be afraid, and we should ask ourselves what the future could look like for our marble.

The enduring beauty of stone

The charm and innate beauty of marble have remained the same over the centuries, and we should be comforted by the thought that there will be many people in the future who will want to work with this natural stone. The distinctiveness of marble is bound to architects, artists, and designers, from the most meticulous to the most visionary. It gives us a glimpse of a long path full of creative successes propelling us into the future, without the surfaces of our blocks and slabs blemished by the “wrinkles” of time. Stone does not age on a human scale, instead time only makes it more fascinating, and in our Bel Paese one must only have a look around to realize this. Stone at its essence is a project, stone is about evolution; moving forward… heart, mind, and ideas. The greatest structures and the finest works of art in marble and stone are the result of the minds and skills of those who have decided to go beyond the recognized limits of law and matter. We are with them. And if it is true that the world will be saved by those looking for beauty, then we must be optimistic.